Bailee Adams, John Barry, Jules Billiot, Gerald Blanchard, Billy D’Aquilla, Bonnie DicapoYvonne Dooley, L. Fisher, Joe Goudeau, Carol Hanchey, Joe Hendl, Dot Keesing, Mary Joy Lawrence, Ramie LeBlanc, Pat Murphy, Linda Osterberger, James Smith, Mary Thornton, Mackenzie Triche, Margaret Villars.
Jeff Albritton, Merideth Attenburg, Kathleen Baker, Craig Borlinghaus, Tracy Braud, Robyn Buchanon, Brenda Businelle, Chris Calaxton, Toni Casey, Lily Coats, Michael D’Aquilla, Alli Decell Joan Dudley, Dylan Fleming, Samantha Fuselier, Donald & Christy Guzman, Jay Ivy, Dana P. Jarreau, Terry Landrem, Big Lou, Eleanor McCurry, Steve McGee, Christie Miller, Margaret Mitchell, Roy Mulkey, Jimmy Norsworthy, Annie Pascalin, Gena Partin, Larry Rachal, Joell Roberts, Fr. Mike Schatzle, Nikole Shreve, Charlie Smith, Victoria & Gene Songy, Jeff Stringer, Melanie Stuart, Howard Stutzman, Catherine Walker, Rickey Wilcox, Michael Williamson, Brian Winters, Fr Gerard Young.
Matthew Atkinson, Chad Barber, Shallon Breaux, Phillip Buchanan, Pfc. Jude Charlet, Neal Fudge, Brian Heath, Bennett Jones, Ben Puckett, Greg St. Romain and Ruben Toney.
Family members, please contact the office to add someone to the prayer list or to remove someone.